Bottle Me a Message in a Bottle – Gift, Invitations, Favors, Business, kits too.

One of the most amazing things that I do everyday is open my bible app and read a daily scripture, the Lord’s Word impacts my daily life, each time I read it. The Bible is filled with so much wisdom, love, direction and promise. To be able to read the Word of the Lord daily brings me to a deeper place and pulls me up when I am down.
Sharing God’s Word with others is a gift that should not be overlooked, sharing the Lord’s Wisdom is an amazing gift, that can give a person whom seems lost the direction they need. God’s Word resonates with all people in any situation, receiving and sharing Bible scripture is one gift that brings people hope, passion, sympathy, guidance and love.
Capturing a moment in a bottle, a special gift that can be given freely and done with a bit of flair by placing a scripture in a bottle and sharing it with a friend or loved one whom needs to hear what the Lord is saying.
This Scripture in a bottle will be a gift that will bring the person new hope, happiness, love and warm their soul.
Every time they see the bottle or seek out the word that is the bottle, this gift will become a beacon to them to never forget the person whom sent them the message in a bottle with the Lord’s Word.
Bottle Me a Message in a Bottle Shop has helped spread the scripture to so many people through out the United States and the World, 1000s of bottles have become forever keepsakes and fill those lives with joy, happiness and wisdom. Share the Word, the Scripture and see the power – Scripture in a bottle can make in a person’s Life.
Mark 10:27
Jesus looked at them and said, ‘With man it is impossible, but not with God. For all things are possible with God.’
Share the word with someone today.

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