Bottle Me a Message in a Bottle – Gift, Invitations, Favors, Business, kits too.

We all have been there under the weather to sick to want to move or hear our name called, but its always nice to hear from someone who cares.
This message always makes anyone feel better that receives it –
I heard that you were rather low,
That you’d been feeling ill.
I glanced around to find a gift That sends a tiny thrill.
This bottle stood up tall and waved
And said, “How do you do? I’d like to take your message
To your friend who’s feeling blue.”
I stared at it a moment,
Then I knew that it was right.
For this bottle’s filled with love and joy
And wishes oh so bright.
It holds a wish that your good health Returns in just a blink.
Another wish that soon you’re back And feeling in the pink.

In this never ending pandemic of Corona Virus or Covid 19, we all could use a special gift and message that brings us joy, happiness, warmth, love, and a giant hug.
Between mask wearing, lock downs, as we all struggle to get ahead in this new pandemic world, we have to seek happiness in friends and family.
I can imagine how amazing a person would feel receiving a message in a bottle filled with that message or maybe a joke, with the words Get Well underneath the joke and your name.
Being sick is no fun, being in the hospital where flowers use to be the norm, but because of Covid not allowed. Lets face it’s a brand new world and we have to start thinking outside the box, and sharing love and messages in a new way.

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