Bottle Me a Message in a Bottle – Gift, Invitations, Favors, Business, kits too.


See What Our Clients Say About Us

ESPN and Disney

ESPN and Disney allowed and trusted us to mail these important invitations to a very select set of invitees to watch and attend the events at the Superbowl in San Diego in 2003.  We are honored and privileged to have the chance to provide our services to them for this very special event.  Look forward to by millions around the world.

House of Blues

The Famous House of Blues used our services to invite their select clientele to a very special House of Blues event on a sunset cruise through the San Francisco Harbor.  If these two amazing corporations can trust us so can you.
Family owned and family run for 2o plus years.  Order today and you will see and feel the difference.


Put a bottle into the postal sea, it will arrive in a few days at its port of destination, let’s put magic in mailboxes across the USA.