When you hear “message in a bottle”, what comes in your mind? Isn’t it love and romance? Message in a bottle is one of the most romantic gifts that you can give to your loved one. The thing about message in a bottle is there is some kind of mystery associated with it, which makes it really exciting for the other person to receive it.
You can write a simple I love you or a poem for your loved one, but sending it with a bottle message makes it soo much better, it adds to the excitement. Aren’t you sick of your girlfriend saying, you are always so busy, you are not the guy I fell in love it. Well, you can be that guy again. All you need is a small gesture sure a nice fancy gift would be a good idea, but a message in a bottle is something that she will remember always. She will go and tell it to all her girlfriends, what an amazing and romantic gift you got her.
Did you forget an anniversary or a birthday? Just leave a small love not in a bottle by the bedside. It is usually difficult for men to express how they feel at least that is what the girls complain about all the time. So, be the guy she wants you to be, if you don’t want to say it just write it down and send it to her, you will be able to see how delighted she is.
Make the message in bottle gift even special by adding your favorite picture to it. You can now customize the bottle any way you like. Add your favorite color of sand, you can also choose the pieces that go in the bottle and make the gift especially for your loved one. Trust me, surprise your loved one with this bottle message gift and you will be able to see the happiness on their face.
Always surprise your loved one with a message in a bottle, leave it at a place where they would be most surprised to find it. It’s definitely more fun this way.